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April Canales-Perez


EDTC 6321: Instructional Design

Instructional Design Project

Project Description:

For this project, we were asked to collaboratively develop an instructional unit based on an emerging technology that would enhance a classroom. I decided to use the Web 2.0 application known as, PBworks wiki space. In this instructional unit participants will be designing a wiki space to use for their classroom. The target audience for this instructional unit was the teachers of Progreso East Elementary 5th and 6th grade campus. I conducted extensive research over our topic using peer-reviewed articles, tutorial videos, etc. to complete this project. My instructional units for this project were organized using the instructional design model known as the Dick and Carey model. 

  • IU1: Identifying learners, their environment, and an Instructional Goal.
  • IU2: Conducting a task analysis and identifying the instructional objectives.
  • IU3: Writing the performance objectives and assessments.
  • IU4: Developing the instructional strategy.
  • IU5: Conducting a formative evaluation.

Responsibilities Met:

Responsibility 2: Design. The candidate will design instruction (or human performance strategies) to meet the needs of learners. Design documents and projects must show evidence of analysis of problem situation, awareness of unique characteristics of intended audience and implications for instruction, selection and implementation instructional strategies consistent with analysis of the learning situation and intended learners, selection and justification of appropriate medias, and evidence of both formative and summative evaluation strategies.

Performance Indicators Justification
2.1 Demonstrates ability to perform analysis and documentation of instructional need or opportunity resulting in student-centered, performance based instructional objectives based upon, and appropriate for, a specific audience.

2.1 First to begin this project, I chose a topic and researched using peer reviewed articles. I researched the effectiveness of classroom wikis and chose this as my topic for my instructional design unit. In IU 1 we were asked to come up with a goal that would improve the classroom through the use of technology. The goal for my project was to promote communication with teachers, parents, and students through the use of classroom wikis. I created an instructional unit over how to create a classroom wiki. I created a wiki page that complied all training materials, screen shots, quizzes, surveys etc.

2.2 Demonstrates ability to perform comprehensive task analysis of an instructional objective. 

2.2 For my instructional unit I created an in-depth task analysis to serve as an outline of the main tasks and subordinate skills needed to complete the training. I created this in the form of a flow chart to break down each section of the training into steps. Each step has several sub-steps that participants will be able to use as a guide to complete each section of the training.

2.3 Demonstrates ability to select and integrate into instruction a variety of research-based instructional strategies. 2.3 In my instructional design unit, I integrated many instructional strategies to meet the needs of all types of learners. I uploaded my instructional unit into the training wiki for those participants that need to have a hard copy for direct instruction. For visual learners I created screen shots for each step on how to create and set up a classroom wiki. Participants were also given the flow chart to serve as a diagram of each part of the training, which could be used a checklist to make sure each step was completed. 
2.4 Demonstrates ability to develop and select appropriate assessment instruments.  2.4 I created a pre- and post-survey for this instructional unit. The pre-survey was to get to know the participants who are completing the training. I asked questions that would allow me as the designer to know if participants had any pre-existing knowledge of wikis, technology skills, and comfortableness of integrating technology into the classroom. The post-survey served as a self-reflection survey over their experience in completing the training. Participants were asked to rate the difficulties in completing each step of the training. I used this information to make any adjustments to the training guide to make it user-friendly. Throughout the training guide, participants answered basic questions about what they have just learned during that section of the training. The quiz questions were used to check for understanding and provide immediate feedback to participants. 

2.5 Demonstrates ability to use formative evaluations for interactive assessments of components of the design process.

2.5 For my formal evaluations I conducted one-to-one and small group evaluations with colleagues from my school. I provided them with my instructional unit and training guide to complete the training on their own. The formal assessment informed the designer whether or not participants were able to successfully complete the goals and objectives of the instructional unit. Upon completing, participants provided the designer with feedback in order to make modifications to improve and enhance the training. 

Responsibility 3: Development, Utilization and Management. The candidate will develop, utilize and manage a variety of media and instructional technologies to deliver instruction to students.

Performance Indicators Justification
3.1 Demonstrates ability to develop instruction using a minimum of three different medias.

3.1 Various Web 2.0 applications were used to enhance my instructional unit. PBWorks.com was used to get familiar with the basic functions of a wiki space. I used Jing to create screen shots of my desktop for each of the steps in my instructional unit. This was done to provide visuals for the participants in order to complete each step of the instructional unit.  I created a Voki in order to introduce the goals and expectations of the training. A screen shot was taken of the Voki to incorporate it in the training materials. 

3.2 Applies research-based rationale for the selection and utilization of technologies for learning.

3.2 My instructional unit was based on the instructional design model known as the Dick and Carey Model. I followed the step-by-step process to design an effective instructional unit. I first identified the instructional goal to create the specific goal for my instructional unit. From there, I was able to write the performance objectives and created an in-depth task analysis for the training guide. Then I created training materials for the participants to use through out the training session. 

3.3 Demonstrates ability to manage projects and evaluate progress and improvement.  3.3 During this course, I was provided with a course outline that provided the completion dates of each part of the instructional document. We also had feedback partners that we had to work closely with to complete each part of the instructional unit. We had to submit the instructional unit to our partners with time in order to receive feedback and make any modifications and adjustments to our project. 
3.4 Uses the results of evaluation methods to revise and update instructional materials. 3.4 Throughout the duration of this course, we had feedback partners. For each of the five instructional units we completed we had to share our project with our feedback partner before the scheduled due date. Once our feedback partner was done reviewing our instructional units they provided feedback on a template provided by the instructor. From there we took the feedback under consideration in order to modify and enhance our instructional units. After each evaluation was complete participants completed a post-survey to document their experience in completing the training. This information and assess the wiki spaces that were created gave the designer feedback and suggestions in order to revise and enhance the training materials. 

Responsibility 4: Evaluation. The candidate uses incisive and relevant assessment and evaluation techniques (e.g., product or project which uses formative and/or summative evaluations). Candidate demonstrates the ability to evaluate quality of instructional materials and instructional systems using appropriate methodologies. Candidate also demonstrates the ability to use formative and summative assessment methodologies to ascertain the effectiveness of instruction in meeting instructional goals.

Performance Indicators Justification

4.1 Demonstrates ability to use formative evaluation strategies to evaluate the quality of instruction.

4.1 Formative evaluations were completed in three parts in instructional unit 5. The first evaluation was conducted with the Subject Matter Expert (SME). The second evaluation was a one-to-one evaluation where a colleague, who was not familiar with the Web 2.0 application PBworks, completed the training by herself and submitted feedback. The final evaluation was a small group evaluation in which both participants were familiar with what a wiki page but have never created one. A table was created for each of the three evaluations with the feedback they provided and the action taken using the feedback in order to enhance the training materials. 

4.2 Demonstrates ability to use summative strategies to evaluate the quality of instruction.

4.2 The summative evaluation was completed in the course EDTC 6323 Multimedia/Hypermedia. The training material was presented to six individuals (five teachers and librarian), where participants were asked to complete their own wiki page. At the end of the training, participants were asked to fill out an evaluation form using a Likert Scale and were asked to provide any comments at the bottom. 

4.3 Demonstrates ability to select a variety of appropriate assessment instruments and use those instruments to assess effectiveness of instruction in meeting instructional objectives. 

4.3 A post-survey was created to serve as a self-reflection survey of over completing the training. Participants were asked to rate the difficulties in completing each step of the training, which would assess the effectiveness of the instruction. By letting me know if they had any difficulties in completing a section of the training, this would in turn let me know what parts of the training I should consider revising in order to make it easier for future participants. A checklist was also used when evaluating participants' classroom wiki. This was used to check if participants were able to meet the goals and objectives of the training. 

4.4 Documents results from formative evaluations and uses those results to revise instructional materials, and/or instructional development process.

4.4 Besides using post-survey results to update the instructional materials, I also had my colleagues provide written feedback to me via email. In the emails participants provided a brief statement of their overall experience in completing the training. They gave me suggestions to revise some parts of the training materials. Formal evaluations were taken through out the creation of the instructional units. Feedback was provided and mentioned in the final instructional unit 5. 

Responsibility5: Research. The candidate collects, evaluates, and synthesizes research from a variety of appropriate sources in order to support decision-making in design, development, implementation and evaluation of instructional systems.
Performance Indicators Justification

5.2 Uses research in instructional technology to justify academic decisions in course work projects and professional work-related responsibilities.

5.2 Research was conducted using the UTB Library online Databases to research scholarly peer-reviewed journals on topics such as the Dick and Carey Model and wikis. The required text was also used to gain knowledge of the Dick and Carey Model of instructional design. This served as a guide in creating my own instructional guide over creating a classroom wikis following the process of the model.  

5.3 Uses research to justify selections of instructional strategies.

5.3 Based on research, the learners were given an interactive e-training in order to have learners engaged and participating in completing the instructional goals and objectives. It has been proven that learners get more out of a lesson when they are first hand participating in the lesson. I used a diagram in a form of a flow chart for participants to use as a checklist after completing each section of the training. The training materials were available for participants to print out to follow the direct instructions. Screen shots were used to provide the participants with visuals of each step for visual learners. 

Modifications Made

Several modifications were made for every instructional unit based on feedback provided by our feedback partners. The feedback and modifications can be viewed on the project page.



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